In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”) and its implementing regulations, the Chamber reports on the processing of personal data carried out, both on its website and, in general, in the different areas of its activity.

The said information we provide through the following points:

1. Who is responsible for treatment?
2. In general, what is the purpose of collecting your personal data?
3. What is the basis of legitimacy for the treatment of your data?
4. How long we will keep your information?
5. How will we use your data?
6. What data will the Chamber manage?
7. Where do we get your data?
8. What are your rights when we treat your information?
9. What if you do not give us the information requested?
10. Protection of the Chamber and the supervisory authority.
11. Security measures.

1. Who is responsible for treatment?

The Spain-US Chamber of Commerce in Miami
2153 Coral Way, 4th Floor, 33145, Miami, FL Phone: +1 305 358 5988
Fax: +1 305 358 6844

2. In general, what is the purpose of collecting your personal data?

– Allow the chamber to sell products and/or providing services to companies through any of the possible marketing platforms, including this website through the spaces provided for that purpose.

– Submit information about products or services of the Chamber that to our understanding may be of interest to you, whether you are a member of the chamber and if it is not the case, when you have expressly requested it.

– Answer doubts or questions from the spaces provided for that purpose in the web or through other communication channels.

– Facilitate the management of your request regarding any of the jobs posted by the Chamber, through the website or by any other authorized channel of the Chamber.

– Enable the proper management of the business relationship between customers and/or suppliers and the Chamber. Conduct audits and internal controls.

– Facilitate compliance with the legal obligations of the Chamber.

– Assess your level of satisfaction with the products and services of the Chamber, and consider evaluations facilitate improving the service of the Chamber.

– Allow access control to the facilities of the Chamber.

– Allow taking pictures at events and acts organized by the Chamber, to promote its celebration and inform about the events.

– By using cookies on the website of the Chamber, enable the navigation and use of the website by its users, analysis, and statistics, and allow connectivity to social networks.

– Members of the Chamber (General, Corporate, Platinum, and Trustee):

Personal data provided by adherence to the Chamber will go to:

a) use your information to contact you as a contact person accredited to your company, to become a member on our files, to provide the services offered by the Chamber.

b) Submit, as contact person accredited, communications inherent in the membership of the Chamber of your company, both on administrative issues, to report the benefits of which your company can benefit.

c) To transmit communications that we understand may be of your interest.

3. What is the basis of legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

– To carry out the functions assigned to the Chamber, it is necessary to have at our disposal the contact information of members to establish connections between them.

– To carry out the management of the business relationship with customers (marketing products or services) and/or suppliers: contractual compliance or legitimate interest of the Chamber as a result of the contract or treatment associated with the internal management of the Chamber. (Audits and internal controls, a legitimate interest of the Chamber).

– For memberships and managing web user: contractual compliance.

– For the transfer of information about products or services of the Chamber, when treating with a consumer/user of products or services of the Chamber: a legitimate interest in direct marketing of the Chamber/ art 21.2 Law 34/ 2002 LSSI.

When treating with a non-consumer or user of products or services of the Chamber: the basis of legitimation for carrying mailings of the Chamber: the consent granted / art 21.1 LSSI Law 34/2002.

– To facilitate the answer to doubts or questions about the Chamber: The basis of legitimacy may vary depending on the nature of the issues raised, it may be fulfilling a mission of public interest or legitimate interest of customer.

– To manage job applications or recruitment processes: a legitimate interest of the Chamber of human resources management.

– Compliance with the legal obligations of the Chamber. In each case, as contemplated in the rules that are applicable to the Chambers of Commerce regulatory standards, such as labor, accounting, or tax regulations.

– Assessment of their degree of satisfaction regarding products or services provided: a legitimate interest of the Chamber in continuous improvement in processes, control and services and the quality of them.

– Control of the access to installations of the Chamber: a legitimate interest in the security of the Chamber, the people and facilities, for example, in case of evacuation or emergency.

– With regard to taking pictures at events and acts of the Chamber: a legitimate interest of the Chamber to promote their activities.

– Regarding the use of cookies on the web: a legitimate interest of the Chamber of streamlining management and web design, improving usability, performance, analysis and use of the web.

– Regarding treatments related to the different memberships:

a) To provide the service catalog of the Chamber, including sending own Chamber communications, data processing of the contact person will be based on: the contractual execution.

b) For the remission of communications of the Chamber, not strictly related to membership: A direct marketing legitimate interest of the Chamber, regarding their customers / art. 21.2 LSSI Law 34/2002.

4. How long we will keep your information?

The data provided will be kept for the time that is necessary for each of the purposes for which the information is intended.

In any case, generally:

– Regarding the information generated from the provision of services by the Chamber, a historic services rendered will be retained indefinitely. Regarding the tax, accounting or information that is not necessary for the historical record of service, it will be eliminated within the established statutory deadlines, four (4) years.

– With respect to mailing made by the Chamber, whether or not commercial, until you state otherwise.

– With regard to job applications or participation in selection processes during the period of one (1) year.

– Regarding the transfer of commercial communications electronically, indefinitely, until we do not state otherwise.

– With respect to satisfaction analysis of the products or services of the Chamber, until the end of the corresponding analysis.

– The data associated with membership of the Chamber will be stored indefinitely with regard to contact details and history of services rendered.

– The other data associated with membership in the Chamber in all its forms, will be kept while you or your company keeps being a member.

5. How will we use your data?

– Communication of information to third parties in cases where communication is indispensable to meet the different purposes for which they had collected the data, for example, to provide the contracted services if it were essential the participation of a third party to provide the services (for example, in the case of certain transactions).

– In addition to communications that may be legally established. (Communications to the tax administration, other administrations and public authorities, local, regional, national, in the case of the execution of administrative procedures, requests for aid or subsidies, security and police forces, judges, courts, etc.) .

– Any other communication to third parties will only be carried out if, previously consented by the party.

– Other than as referred to above, data processors may have access to third party data.

6. What data will the Chamber manage?

The categories of data that can be treated are:

Identification data:
– Postal or electronic addresses
– Phone number
– Names and surnames of representatives

In the case of shooting events:
– Image

For resumes:
– Personal characteristics
– Academic and Professional skills

The data collected is limited, since only necessary data is collected for our services and management of our business. In any case, in addition to the data mentioned above additional data may be collected to provide our services.

7. Where do we get your data

The data has been provided by you or the company that represents or works in the context of organizing some of the services, events u other interactions that the Chamber has provided you or the company you represent.

The other information that we can treat will be related to interactions with you or your company from providing our different services or recordkeeping and public authorities.

8. What are your rights when we treat your information?

While the Chamber treats your personal data, you are entitled to ask:

Access.- The person concerned is entitled to obtain from the controller, confirmation of whether or not personal data is being treated, and detailed information on certain aspects of the treatment carried out.

Modification.- The interested party shall have the right to obtain the correction of inaccurate personal data that may exist or that those incomplete to be completed.

Elimination.- The person concerned shall be entitled to request the elimination of their personal data, in any case, the removal shall be subject to the limits established in the regulatory standard.

Limiting their processing.- The person shall have the right to request the limitation in respect to the processing of personal data.

Opposition to treatment.- In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may oppose the processing of their data. The chamber will stop processing the data, except for legitimate, compelling, or exercise or defense of any claim..

Right to portability of your information.- The interested party is entitled to receive the personal information provided to a controller, in a structured format, commonly used mechanical and reading and transmitting to another controller.

These rights can be exercised through a written and signed request to the Spain US Chamber of Commerce, 2153 Coral Way, 4th Floor, 33145, Miami, FL, Phone: +1 305 358 5988, Fax: +1 305 358 6844, e-mail:

9. What if you do not give us the information requested?

In case the identification and contact information belonging to the client/user, as well as any other data that was essential for providing the services or required by legislation, the refusal to supply information could mean the inability to access services or respond to a particular request.

The failure to provide not mandatory data or data that is not part of strict employment or providing our services, shall not prevent the creation of a contractual relationship.

10. Protection of the Chamber and the supervisory authority.

The Chamber has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO). One of its functions is to conduct a mediation in resolving any complaints or disputes you may have with the Chamber, in relation to the processing of personal data. You can contact the DPO exposing your claims through the e-mail address:

11. Security measures.

The Chamber has adopted security measures laid down in Article 32 of GDPR and adopted the necessary security measures to ensure a level of security according to the risk of data treated conducted with mechanisms that allow us to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability and permanent resilience of systems and treatment services.

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